
Slides, negatives, heirloom black and white images, old family movies…everything old is new again when it’s digitized.

The benefits of digitizing are numerous. From rescuing your memories from obsolete formats to creating one secure digital hub where all your images and movies reside, to the joy of easily sharing memories with friends and family.

VHS, VHS-C, SVHS and & DVD movies are also converted in-house, and will be returned as digital files so you can add them to your digital collection.

When necessary, as in the case of audio tapes and reel to reel movies, Photos Forevermore will oversee the conversion of your home movies using a trusted professional partner.


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Scanning services

Photos, slides and negatives scanned by hand. Dust removal, basic retouching & color correction included. Images will be returned as jpegs on a flash drive or hard drive.

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Media conversion

Media transferred in-house will be converted to MP4s, the most current video format and returned on a flash drive or hard drive.